I’ve not blogged, here in ages, sorry. I’ve been blogging on my Lilian’s Tree and have started a challenge. The challenge is April A – Z. You blog every day BUT Sunday and the blog has to be about something, with that day’s letter. Today being April 6 it is the letter E. It is […]
Chat Time
RootsTech Part 2
Now I’m home I can really blog about RootsTech and add photos. While I did solve some of the storage problems on my iPad, I bought a Kindle, there still wasn’t enough space for all the photos I wanted to show. My last post, about RootsTech ended with Thursday, this one will be the rest […]
RootsTech Part 1
Rootstech is amazing! Wednesday, waking to early and a dodgy shower, I went and registered. Very slick no waiting. Two classes in the afternoon gave me some more research time in the library. If you can’t get to Salt Lake City, you can order the microfilm from your local Family History Library. Check at www.familysearch.org […]
A couple of interesting websites
My January/February issue of inside history ( insidehistory.com.au ) arrived and I have been enjoying reading it, as usual. I try not to read it in one go but that is hard! There is an article on Mark Tedeschi’s QC, new book Kidnapped, The crime that shocked a nation. About the Graeme Thorn kidnapping in 1960. […]
It might seem strange but today I start a 12 month Genealogy-Do-Over. If you Google Thomas MacEntee, you will find his blog and you can read all about what I’m going to start. It isn’t really that drastic but we are encouraged to look at what we have done, from a new perspective, set up […]
Irish Research
I’ve been reading the Christmas 2015 issue of the Family Tree magazine. A very interesting article, ‘A game-changing year of genealogy’ by Chris Paton had me looking at the Irish GRO website: http://www.irishgenealogy.ie/ and I think I’ve found a great, great grandfather, back in Ireland. A very easy site to use, so have a look. […]
Some Useful Information
Some information, so you can research your family over the Christmas break. Civil Registration start dates for the states and territories are; 1838 – Tasmania 1841 – Western Australia 1842 – South Australia 1853 – Victoria 1856 – NSW and Queensland 1870 – Northern Territory 1930 – ACT. For earlier Births, Death and Marriage records, […]
Family Tree Programs
What, if any, family tree program do you use? How do you find it? Do you have your tree online, and with who? Is there any problems with having it online? I use Brothers Keeper by John Steed and find it really good. Having the paid version gives me access to different report types and […]
Something to ponder.
Two weeks ago I attended the Royal Australian Historical Society’s annual conference. It was good to catch-up with friends, promote the family history group and hear very interesting speakers. The topics were broad, covering migration, from our convict beginnings to the migration of today. Sunday started with presentations of awards and then a panel discussion and […]
Next year I am going to RootsTech and starting a Genealogy Do-Over, so have decided to see what gaps I have on my tree. I had a large blank tree, so added what I knew from memory and then what was missing from the data base and certificates. I have names and basic information, some more […]