It might seem strange but today I start a 12 month Genealogy-Do-Over. If you Google Thomas MacEntee, you will find his blog and you can read all about what I’m going to start. It isn’t really that drastic but we are encouraged to look at what we have done, from a new perspective, set up a ‘best practice’ way to research, to cite our sources and keep good records of when and were we have searched. Sounds simple but it will be a challenge.
Have a look at what you have done and ask yourself three things; 1) Have I confirmed that this person is really mine? 2) Can I find the information, easily, again? and
3) Could anyone else follow what I have done and continue the research?
No to all three! I know the feeling! While I can say yes to number 1, I get maybe’s with the others, this is why I’m challenging myself. Have a fresh look at what you have done and take the challenge, too.
Watch this space, to see how I’m going.