Please note that those names marked with * have been changed, as they are still living. My name, well I wrote the post. May/June 1922, cold days and colder nights, when a 22 year old woman leaves her baby son at a train station, in Sydney. Given the name Peter*, it will take until nearly […]
Congress 2018.
Lilian Magill Chat Time Congress, copyright, Darling Harbour, DNA, International Convention Centre, Society of Australian Genealogists

From the 9-12 March 2018, I attende the 15th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry. This was held at the International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney. This year’s hosts were The Society of Australian Genealogists and they did a fantastic job. It was fantastic, with over 600 attendies, an array of local and overseas speakers […]
Lilian Magill Chat Time Ancestry, DNA, FamilyTreeDNA, GEDmatch
DNA is the biggest thing to arrive in genealogy, so far. What is DNA? DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid, what makes us, us! What gives us certain traits, like hair or eye colour or that crazy ability to roll your tongue. (I can’t but the kids can, blame their dad.) It also contains ‘bits’ of our […]