Last night I attended a writing workshop at Writing NSW, on Finding the detail: research tools for writers, presented by Eleanor Limprecht. Eleanore has written three novels, many articles and reviews and she gave insights into her research. You can read more about her books on her website. It was held at Writing NSW, headquaters, […]
Chat Time
How to find a DNA match with a Phone Book and a DNA test.
Lilian Magill Chat Time DNA, FamilyTreeDNA
Please note that those names marked with * have been changed, as they are still living. My name, well I wrote the post. May/June 1922, cold days and colder nights, when a 22 year old woman leaves her baby son at a train station, in Sydney. Given the name Peter*, it will take until nearly […]
Congress 2018.
Lilian Magill Chat Time Congress, copyright, Darling Harbour, DNA, International Convention Centre, Society of Australian Genealogists
From the 9-12 March 2018, I attende the 15th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry. This was held at the International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney. This year’s hosts were The Society of Australian Genealogists and they did a fantastic job. It was fantastic, with over 600 attendies, an array of local and overseas speakers […]
Victorian Births, Deaths & Marriages
Lilian Magill Chat Time births, death, marriages, Victoria
I belong to the Ballarat & District Genealogical Society Inc. and their latest newsletter had this information in it. Victorian Births, Deaths & Marriages Here is some great news for family historians. The Index to Victorian Births, deaths and marriages has been updated and you can now search for marriages up to 1950. That’s 8 […]
An Interesting Little Booklet
Lilian Magill Chat Time Genealogical Society of Victoria
I am a member of the Genealogical Society of Victoria and in their journal spotted a review of this little booklet. Complied by Meg Bate, it starts in 1803 and lists important dates, for Victoria. It also tells you where information can be found. I purchased my directly from the society and it was $10 […]
What’s in a Name?
Lilian Magill Chat Time name, nicknames, spelling
Names, something we are given at birth, or close to it by our parents and they can be the bane of our lives. Some people change them, as soon as they can. Some have a nick-name and no-one knows their given name. Some take a common name and give it a different spelling. Some change […]
New Website
Lilian Magill Chat Time convicts, Old Bailey, prison hulks, subscription
Reading my December 2017 copy of Family Tree magazine; and found an interesting article about British convicts. Free new website traces British convicts, page 7 and thought that I would have a look and ‘play’ around on it. The opening paragraph of the article reads; “A vast, new, free online resource is enabling […]
Using Certificates.
Lilian Magill Chat Time certificates, death, informant, Trove
When someone firsts starts their genealogy journey, they buy or are given documents. These can be certificates, wills, other peoples attempts at ‘finding’ the family, anything! What I want to discuss it certificates and how to really, really squeeze out every tiny bit of information on them. I made the mistake, 30+ years ago of […]
Playing with Family Search Wiki
Lilian Magill Chat Time FamilySearch, Wiki
I know I have posted about FamilySearch, several times and that it is a really good and free genealogy website to use. BUT have you looked at their Wiki? I had heard other people mention wiki and didn’t take any notice, until today. I am starting the research for my second book and wanted […]
Lilian Magill Chat Time Pharos Teaching and Tutoring, The National Institute of Genealogical Studies, University of Strathclyde
Since 7 January 2013, I have been slowly working my way through the 40 subjects for my Australian Certificate in Genealogical Studies. Yesterday I FINISHED! To say I’m thrilled is an understatement. I still have to wait for the official word that I have passed my last two subjects and have met all the requirements, […]