Since 7 January 2013, I have been slowly working my way through the 40 subjects for my Australian Certificate in Genealogical Studies. Yesterday I FINISHED! To say I’m thrilled is an understatement. I still have to wait for the official word that I have passed my last two subjects and have met all the requirements, […]
Chat Time
Thinking of doing a One-Name Study?
Lilian Magill Chat Time Abberton, Chasmar, Guild of Onename Studies, Surname Society
Last month I spent a weekend away with the GoOnS and had a ball. Who are the GoONS you might ask? Well it stands for the Guild of One-Name Studies. This is where you decide to research all the possible connections to a surname, worldwide. You look at variants, movement patterns and family groups, to name […]
A very useful site
Lilian Magill Chat Time Cyndi Ingle, cyndislist This little link opens a treasure trove of information and it is well worth the time to browse it. Cyndi Ingle has searched for websites, for most countries and then broken them down into sub- categories. For example, Australia has 36 different sub-categories and each of them contain links to help you find what […]
Irish Research
Lilian Magill Chat Time Ireland, Irish, Scotland, Ulster Historical Foundation.
For those with Irish ancestors and those that went from Scotland to Ireland, this could be helpful for you. The Ulster Historical Foundation, founded in 1956, is a non-profit organisation and their aim “is to encourage an interest in the history of the province of Ulster.” I heard two of their members, Fintan Mullan […]
This ‘n’ That
Lilian Magill Chat Time Chasmar, Society of Australian Genealogists, Vaughan
I signed to accept he quote for my book and ordered 30 copies. It has a title, ‘Going Once, Going Twice, SOLD! The family story of Charlotte Chasmar and Henry Vaughan, Auctioneer.’ I am using a printer, Print NRG, in Goulburn, NSW because the online publisher, Lulu wanted me to start the book price at $20 […]
Two interesting websites.
Lilian Magill Chat Time oldmapsonline, SnagIt
I ‘discovered’ two interesting websites, this week. The first one is; This is Worldwide and will be very useful when trying to find exactly where our ancestors lived. I discovered that Regent Street, Camperdown, NSW has it’s name changed to Probert Street, Camperdown, NSW, just by using this site. I’m going to […]
An Update on the Book.
Lilian Magill Chat Time book, Bubonic Plague, Masonic Lodges, Old Sydney Maps

Well here it is the 24th March and all but two chapters are written. I’m just being slow about these two because I’m fiddling with the layout, adding photos and taking my time. I sent 90% of the manuscript to be edited, last Monday and today took a B5 copy to my daughter. She is […]
Writing a Book.
Lilian Magill Chat Time book, research, writing

I have always thought about writing a book but hadn’t done anything about it, until now. This month I started on my mother’s maternal side. Starting with her great-grandparents and then their children seemed like a good idea but where do I stop?! Much tossing and turning, mulling it over has made me stop and […]
Lilian Magill Chat Time Ancestry, DNA, FamilyTreeDNA, GEDmatch
DNA is the biggest thing to arrive in genealogy, so far. What is DNA? DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid, what makes us, us! What gives us certain traits, like hair or eye colour or that crazy ability to roll your tongue. (I can’t but the kids can, blame their dad.) It also contains ‘bits’ of our […]
A Useful Book
Lilian Magill Chat Time cemeteries, Hawkesbury, Lisa Murray, Rookwood, Sydney Cemeteries, Waverley

Sydney Cemeteries, A Field Guide, by Lisa Murray. Before I went to Salt Lake City, I indulged myself and purchased this book. I had read several reviews about it had even flicked through it before I made my decision. At $35, it is excellent value and well worth the investment, for serious researchers or even […]